This is more than a dog walk: it’s a customized training excursion with a force-free trainer with more than a decade of experience. While we walk, I help your dog learn and practice alternatives to unwanted behaviors like leash pulling, bunny and squirrel chasing, and reactivity. And because dogs are contextual learners, I can show you how to practice the behavior on your own.
In addition to neighborhood walks, I can take your dog to a quiet place in nature for a decompression walk (walking that enhances a dog’s well-being with free movement in nature, usually on a long fixed leash); we can watch dog park TV (we watch dogs from a safe distance where your dog won’t react so they learn that seeing other dogs isn’t really all that exciting and doesn’t predict an interaction — great for frustration reactivity!); or we can learn to just chill out in environments where they’re usually overstimulated.
Finding a dog walker you trust with your bold, fearful, or reactive dog can be a challenge. I’m here to help.